Rules of business conduct

An ethical business culture is a key aspect of our commitment to making a positive social impact.

Our Steering Document Framework, consisting of our Code of Conduct and Group policies and directives, expresses our values and commitment to conducting business in full compliance with laws and regulations, international initiatives and standards.

To make sure that all our employees adhere to our values and commitment, we have created an extensive internal training programme. This programme includes a risk analysis, training (e-learning, awareness video, face-to-face compliance workshop) and guidelines.

In addition, we have appropriate mechanisms to address any instance when we fall short, which reinforces our good governance and fosters a culture of transparency and accountability.

We always seek to act in a fair and honest way towards each other and our stakeholders, while embracing diversity and promoting equality.

Jørgen Madsen Lindemann
President & CEO
Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy
Code of Conduct
Data Protection Policy
Human Rights Policy
Information Security Approach
People Policy
Risk Management Policy
Supplier Code of Conduct
Sustainability Policy and Supporting guidelines
Tax Policy
Whistleblower Procedures
Work Environment Policy
Group Compliance Contacts